1 Soldier of Jesus, on to the front!
Struggle a little longer!
Trust in the Lord, confide in His word—
Faith makes the heart grow stronger!
Firm be! courageous, valiant and true,
For there is trial yet for you!
Heed not the conflict, long tho’ it be,
For yet it will end in victory.
On to the front, be true to your word!
Doubting or falt’ring never;
Whole-hearted be, and loyal to Jesus,
And reign in His glory forever.
2 Hear ye the song of souls in despair,
Loud for the gospel calling!
See! near and far, at home and abroad,
Error and sin appalling!
Brave hearts are needed, patient and strong,
Meet for a service stern and long!
Whole-hearted, noble, Christian and true,
There waiteth a victor’s crown for you! [Refrain]
3 Strong is the foe, both subtle and wise,
Watchful, alert, contending!
Be on your guard by day and by night,
Ever your cause defending.
Long, dreary marches soon will be o’er;
Conflict and battle rage no more;
Parting, and pain and sorrow shall cease,
And strife end in everlasting peace. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #154