1 So dark the night within my soul
How cruel my plight I could not see,
But yet I knew sin’s bitter toll,
And vainly struggled to be free.
O grace that knew my deepest need!
O Thou who art my Life indeed!
Through Thee the bond slave was set free;
O Christ, Thou art my victory.
2 For through the night One came to me,
His voice dispelled my grief, my fears,
“Oh, friend!” He cried, wouldst thou be free?
In me thy bondage disappears. [Refrain]
3 I yielded all; my struggles ceased;
Self died; the dear Christ lived instead
Within the soul that He released
When He came in, and self was dead. [Refrain]
4 How wondrously He keeps me now
In whom I live, who lives in me!
The throne-crown pressed upon His brow
My coronet of victory. [Refrain]
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #74