1 Snow-white hands are clasped on her breast,
Tender eyes have drooped into rest,
Grave-sods lie on th' stainless brow,
She is sleeping sweetly now.
Toll the mournful bell,
Dear child, farewell.
Peaceful is her rest,
On a Saviour's breast,
Loving care of the angels guard her now,
Softly, sweet, and low,
Angel anthems flow,
Hands of blessing are laid on her brow.
2 Gone so quickly out of her life,
Deathful hush in wearisome strife,
Gone from those who miss her so,
Buried in her grave so low.
Lost to earthly love,
But saved above. [Chorus]
3 Gone to meet on Heaven's fair shore
All the loved who passed on before,
Gone to clasp her brother's hand,
In that fair, that happy land,
Saved from earthly woe,
'Tis better no. [Chorus]
4 Life's evangel she shall now be,
And across the storm darkened sea,
Guide us home most lovingly,
With her calling "Come to me."
Seek this fairer shore,
And weep no more. [Chorus]
Source: The Little Sower for Sabbath Schools #156