1 Smiling skies will bend above us,
When the shadows flee;
Hearts now cold again will love us,
When the shadows flee;
We shall lose our care and sorrow,
Trouble nevermore to borrow,
On that blessed, peaceful morrow,
When the shadows flee.
With eternal day before us,
And our Saviour watching o’er us,
We shall join the endless chorus,
When the shadows flee.
2 Fetters nevermore will bind us,
When the shadows flee;
This dark vale will be behind us,
When the shadows flee;
There will be no tempest sweeping,—
In our loving Father’s keeping
We shall wake, where none are weeping,
When the shadows flee. [Refrain]
3 We shall view our home supernal,
When the shadows flee;
We shall meet our King eternal,
When the shadows flee;
There, where death will reach us never,
There, where naught our hearts shall sever,
We shall dwell with Christ forever,
When the shadows flee. [Refrain]
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving #45