1 Slumber not, slumber not, for the time flies apace,—
The time for the Bridegroom is near;
Let us watch, let us wait, with a firm, trusting heart,
Be ready the summons to hear.
O provide for our lamps, let our vessels be filled
With grace he will freely supply;
Then, with rapture complete, our beloved we shall meet,
When midnight shall echo the cry.
Slumber not, slumber not, for the time flies apace,—
The time for the Bridegroom is near;
Let us watch, let us wait with a firm, trusting heart,
Be ready the summons to hear.
2 Slumber not, slumber not, tho' he tarry awhile,
Not long will he linger away;
He has left his commands to the faithful and wise,
Then let us in meekness obey.
Yes, the Bridegroom will come to his long-waiting bride,
And wipe every tear from her eye;
“Go ye forth” may we hear, and with joy, not with fear,
When midnight shall echo the cry. [Refrain]
3 Slumber not, slumber not, for the moments are brief;
O think of their anguish of heart
Who will come, but too late, to the door of the feast,
And hear from the Bridegroom, “depart”
Let our lamps be well-filled and their lustre be seen
When he to the marriage draws nigh,
Then our souls will rejoice at the sound of his voice,
When midnight shall echo the cry. [Refrain]
Source: The Ark of Praise #52