Association Hymn Book #d172
Display Title: Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest First Line: Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest Author: Sarah Doudney Date: 1907
Association Hymn Book #d172
1 Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest;
Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast;
We love thee well, but Jesus loves thee best--
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!
2 Calm is thy slumber as an infant's sleep;
But thou shalt wake no more to toil and weep:
Thine is a perfect rest, secure and deep--
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!
3 Until the shadows from this earth are cast,
Until He gathers in His sheaves at last,
Until the twilight gloom be over past--
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!
4 Until the Easter glory lights the skies,
Until the dead in Jesus shall arise,
And He shall come, but not in lowly guise--
Good-night! Good-night! Good-night!
Source: Hallowed Hymns, New and Old #186
First Line: | Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy rest |
Title: | The Christian's Goodnight |
Author: | Sarah Doudney |
Language: | English |
Notes: | Swahili translation: See "Lala rafiki lala mpenzi" |
Copyright: | Public Domain |