1 Sinners, this solemn truth regard--
Hear, all ye sons of men!
For Christ, the Saviour, hath declared
Ye must be born again.
2 Whate'er might be your birth or blood,
The sinner's boast is vain:
Thus saith the glorious Son of God,
Ye must be born again.
3 Our nature's totally depraved,
The heart a sink of sin;
Without a change we can't be saved,
Ye must be born again.
4 That which is born of flesh is flesh,
And flesh it will remain:
Then marvel not that Jesus saith,
Ye must be born again.
5 Spirit of life, thy grace impart,
And breathe on sinners slain;
Bear witness, Lord, with every heart,
That we are born again.
6 Dear Saviour, we will now begin
To trust and love thy word;
And by forsaking every sin,
Prove we are born of God.
Source: The Voice of Praise: a collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Church #429
First Line: | Sinners, this solemn truth regard |
Author: | Joseph Hoskins |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |