1 Sinners may to Christ draw near:
Let this word of consolation
Be proclaimed to ev'ry soul
Sore in need of God's salvation.
Grace and peace are offered here:
Sinners may to Christ draw near.
2 Naught but wrath have I deserved,
Yet the pledge to me is given
In His sure, prophetic Word
That my home shall be in heaven.
This allays all doubt and fear:
Sinners may to Christ draw near.
3 When a sheep hath gone astray,
After it the shepherd goeth;
Jesus, loving all His own,
On the lost His help bestoweth,
Lest they be devoid of cheer:
Sinners may to Christ draw near.
4 Come, ye sinners, one and all,
Heavy-laden, sorely stricken;
Jesus gives you sure relief,
He your fainting hearts will quicken;
When the way looks dark and drear,
Sinners may to Christ draw near.
5 Sinners may to Christ draw near;
I am not by Him rejected.
He hath opened wide the gate
And a throne of grace erected.
For me, too, the way is clear:
Sinners may to Christ draw near.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #125