1 Sinner, to the Saviour clinging,
Trembling, trusting, hoping, singing,
Hark! again his voice is ringing:
“Forward, forward march!”
2 Tarry not to count thy treasure;
He will deal it without measure
As thou doest his good pleasure—
“Forward, forward march!”
3 Art thou faint? He stands beside thee;
He shall help thee, guard thee, guide thee;
In his shadow he shall hide thee—
“Forward, forward march!”
4 Through th’allurements of temptation,
Through the fires of tribulation,
Holding forth the great salvation,
“Forward, forward march!”
5 By ten thousand foes surrounded,
Mocked, opposed, assaulted, wounded,
Thou shalt never be confounded,
“Forward, forward march!”
6 Till thy bending head be hoary,
Till shall close thine earthly story,
Till thou step from grace to glory,
“Forward, forward march!”
Source: On Joyful Wing : A Book of Praise and Song #126