1 Sinner, stop! rebel no more
‘Gainst your Father’s love and pow’r;
Hear his kind and gracious cry:
“Sinner, turn! why will ye die?”
Sinner, turn! O sinner, turn!
God’s great gift no longer spurn;
Hear Him pleading, now so nigh:
“Sinner, turn! why will ye die?”
2 Careless sinner, stop and hear!
Jesus calls you: He is near,
Waiting to receive,—forgive;
Calling, “Come to me and live.” [Refrain]
3 Sinner, tho’ your sins are great,
Coming now, ‘tis not too late;
God is love: no more despair;
Pardon free awaits your prayer. [Refrain]
4 Then forsake your sins today;
Seek the Saviour while you may;
For your soul His life He gave;
Come to Jesus: He will save. [Refrain]
Source: The Helper in Sacred Song: for Sunday-schools, churches, and devotional services #17