1 Sing we in harmony,
The sacred joys of home;
Sing ever gratefully,
The joys of home.
For there is many a cheerless lot,
Where peaceful blessings do not flow;
No gentle words with friendship fraught,
To soothe the heart's deep woe.
Sing we in harmony,
The sacred joys of home;
Sing ever gratefully,
The joys of home.
2 Sing we in harmony,
The mighty power of love;
Our home shall peacefully be,
Like that above.
Affection ne'er shall cease to glow,
And pureness dwell, unseen, but near,
And weary hearts shall ever know,
Peace, love and kindness here.
Sing we in harmony,
The mighty power of love;
Our home shall peacefully be,
Like that above.
Source: The Morning Stars Sang Together: a book of religious songs for Sunday schools and the home circle #104