1 Sing the praise of God the Father,
Christ, the Son, and Holy Ghost;
Lift your voice in adoration,
Praise Him with the heav’nly host.
He is worthy, He has suffered
On the Cross of Calvary,
Let all earth exalt and praise His name eternally.
Sing His praise, the King of Glory,
Let all earth His pow’r proclaim;
Just and righteous are His mandates,
True and holy is His name.
Let all nations laud and magnify,
Ev’ry tongue confess and glorify
Christ, the Lord of earth, and sea, and sky
2 Ev’ry knee shall bend before Him,
Ev’ry tongue His name shall own,
When in robes of righteous splendor,
He is seated on His throne.
Thru eternal years in glory,
This our only theme shall be—
Songs of praise and worship to the Lamb of Calvary.
3 Sing His praise, the King of Glory,
Mighty Conqueror is He;
Death forevermore is vanquished,
He shall reign eternally.
Satan&rso;s hosts must bow before Him,
At His feet the world must fall;
Praise the Lamb, for He is worthy to be Lord of all.
Source: Evangelistic Center Songs #88