1 Sing praises, happy praises,
Come, sing and rejoice;
To God, our heav'nly Father,
Lift up heart and voice.
He made us, defends us
With wisdom and might;
Rich blessing he sends us
By day and by night.
His mercy fails us never,
While at the cross we bend;
Sing praises, happy praises,
To our best friend.
2 Sing praises, happy praises,
Come, sing and rejoice;
To Jesus, blessed Saviour,
Lift up heart and voice.
He lov'd us and sought us,
He left his bright throne;
With precious blood bought us,
And made us his own. [Chorus]
3 Sing praises, happy praises,
Come, sing and rejoice;
To God, the Holy Spirit,
Lift up heart and voice.
He comforts us sweetly,
The kind, gentle Dove;
He'll fit us completely
For glory above. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #73