1 Sing loud Hallelujah in jubilant chorus,
Ye nations, O sing to the Lord who reigns o'er us!
His merciful kindness and grace he revealeth,
He pardons our sins, and our sorrows He healeth.
2 O lift up your voices in strains of thanksgiving!
Let praises ascend to our God ever living!
Now life and salvation from Hiim we inherit,
In Jesus, His Son, through His death and His merit.
3 Of mercy and grace God alone is the giver,
And all who believe, He will surely deliver;
His truth standeth fast, and it faileth us never:
His mercy endureth for ever and ever.
4 All glory and praise to the Father be given,
The Son, and the Spirit, from earth and from heaven;
As was, and is now, be supreme adoration,
And ever shall be, to the God of salvation.
Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #19