1 Since your childhood you have heard the wondrous story
Of the Christ who gave His life on Calv’ry’s tree,
How for you He left His Father’s home in glory,
Bore the cross that you from sin might be made free.
Do you know Him? know my Savior,
Do you know His wondrous love and mighty pow’r?
If you knew Him, as I know Him,
You would make my Savior yours this very hour.
2 Just to know my precious Savior is to love Him,
I have found Him always loving, constant, true,
There’s no other friend so great but He’s above him,
What my Savior is to me He’ll be to you. [Refrain]
3 Sinner, will you learn to know my precious Savior?
In His love is refuge safe from all alarms;
Come to Him and you will share His blessed favor
In the shelter of His everlasting arms. [Refrain]
Source: Soul Inspiring Songs #40