Handbells Moderately Easy Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.95 Singing Bell technique creates an ethereal atmosphere as the work opens and journeys on its way through tunes associated with the hymns "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" and "Open My Eyes, That I May See… | |
Handbells Guitar C Instrument Piano Congregation Easy Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $25.00 A unique collection of 25 settings designed for congregations that have services where simple, folk-like accompaniments are needed. Each tune has a piano accompaniment, guitar chord, optional handbell… | |
Handbells Handchimes Pentecost File download from Lorenz Publishing $5.50 With an open and expansive feel, this sensitive work based on the tune associated with "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" will truly bless your congregation.
Voicing: HB 3-5(HC 3-5) | |
Handchimes Handbells Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.50 With an open and expansive feel, this sensitive work based on the tune associated with "Breathe on Me, Breath of God" will truly bless your congregation.
Voicing: HB 3-5(HC 3-5) | |
Handbells Moderately Easy Pentecost Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $5.95 This sensitive union of tunes, which suggests the hymns "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart" and "Breathe on Me, Breath of God," is a versatile work that will find several uses during the church yea… |