1 Since brethren we are one,
In Jesus Christ our head;
The first begotten son,
Who rais'd us from the dead,
Come let us now our vows renew,
And holiness' high way pursue.
2 The path is mark'd so plain
That he that runs may read;
Secure from death and pain,
Who in this way proceed,
Why then in disputations stray,
Since Christ hat said I am the way.
3 I am the way to God,
The vulture's eye can't see,
The lion's whelp ne'er trod,
But those who come to me,
For he that doth believe in me,
From the first sentence, death, is free.
4 The new and living way,
In which there is no death;
Then let us praise, and pray,
With ev'ry fleeting breath.
And on the promise safe rely,
Which faith believers shall not die.
Divine Hymns of Spiritual Songs, 1802