1 Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
Alone we cannot go, for we would stray,
Thy way is always bright,
Thy path is always right,
Keep us by Thy great might,
O Lord divine.
2 Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
We’ll follow none but Thee, cost what it may,
Our way would lead us down,
Our way is always wrong,
Then lead us, is our song,
O Lord divine.
3 Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
Our God we’ll trust but Thee, hear while we pray,
Purge us from ev’ry sin,
Cleanse us, without, within
Make us completely clean,
O Lord divine.
4 Show us Thy way, O Lord, show us Thy way,
Brighter the pathway glows, as we obey,
When Thou dost call us home,
Grant us Thy glad “Well done,”
And praise be Thine alone,
O Lord divine.
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 2 #78