1 Show me some token, Lord, for good,
Some token of thy special love;
Show me that I am born of God,
And that my treasure is above.
2 My supplication, Lord, is this,
That all my sins may be subdued;
That all thy precious promises
May be to me and for my good.
3 O seal my pardon to my soul,
And then proclaim my peace with thee;
Thus make my wounded conscience whole,
And that will be for good to me.
4 Let thy good Spirit rule my heart,
And govern all my words and ways;
Let grace abound in every part,
And teach my tongue to sing thy praise.
5 Thus may I see that I am thine,
And feel my heart to thee ascend;
Then shall I know that thou art mine,
My God, my Father, and my Friend.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #736