1 Shout it aloud each high mountain!
Sing it abroad ev'ry sea!
Jesus is born, whom the prophets foretold,
Mary's arms softly the infant enfold;
Kings bring Him off'rings of spices and gold,
Angels to shepherds the tidings have todl,
"Peace upon earth bringeth He!
Shout it aloud each mountain high!
Sing is baroad ev'ry sea,
Jesus is born, whom prophets foretold,
Jesu, whom kings waited long for of old,
And dying, His face did not see.
2 Shout it aloud each high mountain!
Sing it abroad ev'ry sea!
Joy is in heaven, the glad tidings sing,
Peace is on earth, for her God is hier King;
Jesus is born! Then exultingly ring
Forth the glad tidings, and lovingly bring
Gifts to such monarch as He. [Refrain]
3 Shout it aloud each high mountain!
Sing it abroad ev'ry sea!
Bring Him your jewels far richer than gold,
Love for each destitute Lamb of His fold,
Love that grows deeper as time groweth old,
Love that the angels delight to behold,
Love pure as earth's love can be. [Refrain]
Source: Christmas Songs #13