1 Shine on our land, Jehovah, shine
With beams of heav’nly grace!
Reveal Thy power through all our coasts,
And show Thy smiling face.
Here fix Thy throne exalted high,
And here, our glory, stand;
And, like a wall of guardian fire,
Surround our favored land.
2 When shall Thy name, from shore to shore,
Sound all the earth abroad,
And distant nations know and love
Their Savior and their God?
Earth shall confess her maker’s hand,
And yield a full increase;
And God shall crown His chosen land
With fruitfulness and peace.
4 While the Redeemer scatters round
His gracious favors here,
To the creation’s utmost bound
His glory shall appear.
Shine on our land, Jehovah, shine
With beams of heav’nly grace!
Reveal Thy power through all our coasts,
And show Thy smiling face.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9003