1 Rejoice, ye shepherds, lift your eyes,
And send your fear away!
Good news from regions of the skies:
A Saviour’s born today.
Our Saviour makes His entrance here,
But not as mortals do;
Lord Jesus whom the angels fear
Is come to dwell with you.
2 No gold, no purple swaddling bands,
No royal shining things,
A manger for His cradle stands
And holds the King of kings.
Go, shepherds, where the Infant lies,
And see His humble throne;
With tears of joy in all your eyes,
Go, shepherds, kiss the Son!
3 Thus Gabriel sings, and all around
The heav’nly armies throng;
They tune their harps to lofty sound,
And thus conclude their song:
All glory to the Lord our God!
Let peace surround the earth;
Let all men know their Maker’s love
At their Redeemer’s birth.
Source: Christian Praise #71
First Line: | Shepherds, rejoice, lift up your eyes |
Title: | Angels' Song |
Author: | Isaac Watts |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |