1 “Shall my soul ascend with rapture
When the day of life is past;
While my house of clay shall slumber,
Shall I then with Jesus rest?”
“O my soul, press on to glory!
Worlds of bliss invite thee on,”
Evermore to be with Jesus,
When this walk on earth is done.
2 “Oh, shall my immortal spirit,”
Holden now by earthly ties,
Have at last unbounded freedom
In those realms beyond the skies? [Refrain]
3 Shall mine eyes indeed see Jesus,
He the humble Man of God,
Who laid down His life a ransom,
He who saves me by His blood? [Refrain]
4 Shall mine ears hear strains of music
From the glad and ransomed throng;
Shall I join with them in praises?
With them sing the glad, new song? [Refrain]
5 Shall my soul arise in triumph
When the angel calls for me;
Gladly go with Him to glory,
There to dwell eternally? [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)