1 Shall I close my heart’s door in the face of my Lord,
Whose brow wore the torn-crown for me?
At the threshold He stands, waiting now to come in,
My heart’s welcome guest He would be.
I will open my heart’s door wide,
I will bid my dear Lord come in;
By love He doth conquer,
My heart He doth win;
Saviour, dear Saviour, come in.
2 Shall I close my heart’s door at the knock of the hand
That was nailed to the cross for my sin?
To that hand still outstretched, pleading gently today,
My heart’s best affection to win? [Chorus]
3 Shall I close my heart’s door from the Lord who for me,
Broken-hearted, on Calvary died?
Shall I spurn His dear voice, that so tenderly calls?
Shall I turn His entreaty aside? [Chorus]
4 I’ll swing wide my heart’s door, bidding Jesus come in,
Lest that time make it hard to undo;
Lest the Saviour be grieved and forever I mourn
The loss of His friendship so true. [Chorus]
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 2 #39