1 Serving the Master with cheerful songs,
Trying to cure earth’s many wrongs;
Sowing the Word of the Lord abroad,
Telling the world the love of God;
Singing the praise of the gentle King,
Blessing the world while you toil and sing;
Brighten the vales where the shadows lie,
Cheering the sad as the days go by.
Sing as you work while the days go by;
Sing as you work, for God is nigh;
Sing, for it helps you to bear your load;
Sing all along this heav’nly road.
2 Sowing the grain where the thorns have grown;
Planting a rose where none has blown;
Greeting the world with a smiling face,
Lifting its load by God’s good grace;
Singing away all the cares of life,
Singing away all the pain of strife,
Singing the joy of a mighty love,
Singing the hope of a home above. [Chorus]
3 Reaping the grain in the harvest-field,
Giving to God the golden yield;
Bringing the fruit of the vine so sweet,
All to the blessed Master’s feet.
Sing, for the labor will soon be done;
Sing, for the Lord will receive his own;
Sing, for the soul that is gathers in
Now is redeemed and is saved from sin. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School Voices, No.2 #102