1 Serve the Master daily as you go along,
By a word of kindness and a cheerful song—
You may help to keep a weaker friend from wrong
If you live for Christ the King.
Live for Jesus, live for Jesus
Walking in the light, batt’ling for the right,
Tell the story, shout His glory,
Live for Jesus Christ the King.
2 When you’re heavy laden with a load of care,
There is One stands ready all your grief to share,
Look in faith each moment unto Him in pray’r,
Live for Jesus Christ the King. [Refrain]
3 You should trust Him fully and His word obey,
He will guide you safely o’er life’s rugged way,
From His blessed keeping you shall never stray,
If you live for Christ the King. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifting Songs #4