1. Send Thy Spirit, I beseech Thee,
Gracious Lord, send while I pray;
Send the Comforter to teach me,
Guide me, help me in Thy way.
Sinful, wretched, I have wandered
Far from Thee in darkest night;
Precious time and talents squandered—
Lead, O lead me into light.
2. Thou hast heard me; light is breaking,
Light I never saw before;
Now my soul, with joy awaking,
Gropes in fearful gloom no more.
O the bliss! my soul, declare it,
Say what God has done for thee;
Tell it out, let others share it—
Christ’s salvation, full and free.
3. Multitudes, whom Thou art seeking,
Seek for Thee this very hour;
Savior, let them hear Thee speaking,
Come with soul-converting power.
Lo, He comes—the ransomed own Him;
This the song I hear them sing:
In my heart I will enthrone Him,
Christ, my Savior and my king.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #5976