1 Send the Gospel of salvation,
To a world of dying men;
Tell it out to every nation,
"’Till the Lord shall come again."
Go and tell them, go and tell them,
Jesus died for sinful men;
Go and tell them, go and tell them,
He is coming back again.
2 ’Tis the Church’s great commission,
’Tis the Master’s last command;
Christ has died for every creature,
Tell it out in every land. [Refrain]
3 Tell it out to China’s millions,
Tell it out in fair Japan;
Tell it by the mighty Congo,
Tell it in the dark Sudan. [Refrain]
4 ’Mid the lone Tibetan mountains,
By the Orinoco’s strand;
O’er the burning plains of India,
Tell it out in every land. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #14014