1 Send, O God, a gentle shower,
For my heart is dry as sand;
Father, bathe Thy drooping flower,
Water Thou Thy thirsty land;
Let Thy Holy Spirit's boon
O'er me from Thy heavenly throne
Like abundant streams be flowing,
Blessings on my heart bestowing.
2 By a human father, even
Though he is by sin defiled,
Only good gifts will be given
Unto a beloved child;
How much more dost Thou the same,
For "Good Father" is Thy name!
Thou wilt send to me Thy Spirit,
Thy good gifts I shall inherit.
3 Jesus, who for my salvation
To the Father didst ascend,
Hear my earnest supplication,
Unto me Thy Spirit send:
Let the Comforter for aye
Bide with me, my strength and stay,
That in faith I may not waver,
Steadfast in the truth forever.
4 Holy Ghost, Strength of the simple,
O make Thine abode with me,
Let me ever be Thy temple;
Cheerfully I welcome Thee.
Do Thou purify my heart,
Cast out all things that might part
Me from those sweet joys of heaven
Which by Thee to faith are given.
5 With Thy gifts my heart endowing,
Make it new and clean and fair;
Let it in true love be glowing,
Living in Thy grace fore'er;
Give me courage bold and good,
Sanctify my flesh and blood,
Let me, trusting in Christ's merit,
Worship God in truth and spirit.
6 Thus myself I will deliver,
Lord, to Thee; my soul shall strive
Only after heaven forever,
Until there I shall arrive
Where the Father, and the Son,
And Thyself in heaven's high throne,
I shall praise and all Thy treasures
In angelic, heavenly measures.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymn-book #248