1. Seek the Lord, we invite you;
Brother He will ne'er slight you,
But with pardon delight you,
Why not come?
Why not, why not
At the feet of the Saviour bow?
Why not, why not,
Why not come to Him now?
2. Come, His service is pleasure,
Grace He'll give without measure;
Seek this heavenly treasure,
Why not come? [Chorus]
3. Now the Spirit is pleading,
And the Lord interceding;
Now His grace you are needing,
Why not come? [Chorus]
4. Now with pardon He'll greet you;
Soon He'll cease to entreat you,
But in judgment will meet you,
Why not come? [Chorus]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #99