1 See the foe advancing now, ready for the fray,
Trust in God and struggle on, right will win the day;
Heaven’s hosts are gathered round, they our aid will be,
God will lead his chosen ones to victory.
Hear ye the battle cry,
Hear ye the battle cry,
Fall into line!
Onward, forward! on to meet the foe,
All thought of fear resign;
Hear ye the battle cry,
Hear ye the battle cry,
Fall into line!
Onward, forward!
Christ is aiding with his pow’r divine.
2 Volunteers are wanted still, for the foe is strong,
Trust in God and persevere, right will conquer wrong;
Thro’ the battle’s strife and din this our cry shall be,
God will lead his chosen ones to victory. [Refrain]
3 Sing the song of victory, God is with his won,
And the power of sin and woe will be overthrown;
When the victor’s palms we bear, this our song shall be,
God hath led his chosen ones to victory. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #60