1 See the fight is on it its pow’r today,
Right against the wrong met in stern array,
And the Lord needs men who will bravely go
To the battle’s front there to meet the foe.
“Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might,”
Oh, “watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit ye like me, be strong.”
2 Yes, the Lord needs men who will brothers be,
To their fellow-men in adversity;
Who with hearts of love and an outstretch’d hand
Will thro’ grace divine help the weak to stand. [Refrain]
3 Still the Lord needs men for His witnesses
Who will stand for God and for holiness;
With the Spirit’s pow’r ev’ry heart aflame,
Preaching full salvation thro’ Jesus’ name. [Refrain]
4 Are you counted in with the tried and true?
Can the God of battles depend on you?
With the shot and shell flying thick and fast
Will you faithful be ‘till the warfare’s past? [Refrain]
Source: The Tabernacle Hymns #195