1 See God to heaven ascending
In triumph to his throne,
Great shouts in tumult blending
With trumpets' thrilling tone!
Sing praises to your Lord!
Sing praises, bring ovations,
To Christ, the King of nations,
The God of hosts adored!
2 Lo, heaven with joy is sounding
His glad return to see;
Behold the saints surrounding
The Lord who set them free;
Now myriad angels come,
The cherub band rejoices,
And clearest seraph voices
All welcome Jesus home.
3 We see the steps ascending
That raised our Head on high;
We see the highway wending
To heaven's unending joy.
Our Savior leads the way;
Yet he would not bereave us,
A well-marked path would leave us,
Prepares our passageway.
4 Our minds are heavenward tending,
Where he prepares our place;
Our course on earth is ending,
There to adore his grace.
Bestir your heart and soul!
Where Jesus Christ has entered,
There let your hope be centered;
There run to reach your goal!
5 Let all our thoughts be winging,
With thee to heaven ascend;
Let all our hearts be singing:
"We seek thee, Savior, Friend,
Thee, God's anointed Son,
Our Life and Way to heaven,
To whom all power is given,
Our Joy and Hope and Crown."
Source: Worship Supplement #744