1 School-mates, can you tell me, why
Angel-light illumed the sky,
When upon the fearful night
Mercy smiled in heaven's light?
Eva, yes, that glorious hour
Saw the Saviour's wond'rous power,
When he banish'd Salem's gloom,
Rose in triumph from the tomb.
2 School-mates, could you feel her grief,
When lone Mary sought relief,
Would you not with her delight
Still to watch the tardy night?
Eva, yes, perfumes we'd strew,
Tears would mingle with the dew;
Gladness then should chase our gloom,
Jesus rising from the tomb.
3 School-mates, come, your Lord adore,
High he lives, to die no more;
Once he slept in Joseph's grave,
Now he reigns, a Prince to save.
Eva, yes, with glory's throng
We will chant redemption's song;
He hath driven death afar,
Reigns he now "the morning star."
Source: Linden Harp: a rare collection of popular melodies adapted to sacred and moral songs, original and selected. Illustrated. Also a manual of... #144