1 Say “I will!” to Jesus, when for help He pleads;
Let your faith and courage speak in kindly deeds;
Ready be whenever workers true He needs,
Say “I will!” to Jesus, say I will, I will.
Say “I will!” to Jesus, proud His name to wear;
Be a true disciple, in His service share;
Be a true disciple, strong to do and dare;
Say “I will!” to Jesus, say I will, I will.
2 Say “I will!” to Jesus, and with courage true,
Joyous praise uplifting, bravely dare and do;
Let your loving Master claim the best in you,—
Say “I will!” to Jesus, say I will, I will. [Refrain]
3 Say “I will!” to Jesus, and on Him rely,
For, to do His bidding, He will strength supply;
Though it be to suffer, though it be to die,
Say “I will!” to Jesus, say I will, I will. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #129