1 Savior, Thou my way shall be,
I will follow only Thee;
Be Thou near me night and day,
Savior, Thou, the only way.
Lead me on by night and day,
Savior, Thou, the only way.
Lead me on by night and day,
Savior, Thou, the only way.
2 Savior, Thou my truth remain,
Only Lamb for sinners slain!
Take away my guilt, I pray,
Savior, Thou, the only way. [Chorus]
3 Thou my life, my all shall be,
Make me, Savior, more like Thee;
Give me joy in endless day,
Savior, Thou, the only way, [Chorus]
Source: The Morning Star: a collection of new sacred songs, for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and the social circle #99