1 Saviour, source of ev'ry blessing,
Star of neverending joy,
Shine around my humble dwelling,
And Thy power in me employ.
Turn my heart from all that's fleeting
To behold Thy grace divine;
Keep me in Thy fear and favour,
And with love my heart entwine.
2 Resting on Thee, Fount of Goodness,
I would bid this world adieu,
Though I am so vile and worthless,
And so weak and ehlpless, too.
Tou canst cleans and purify me,
Thou canst give me strneght to bear,
All the ills that would oe'rwhelme me
In this world so seeming fair.
3 Saviour, guide me on my journey,
Guard me with Thy mighty arm,
Help me in my daily battle,
Keep me free from sin and harm.
When I reach the land of promise,
And shall join the sacred throng,
I will sing my Saviour's praises
In one everlasting song.
Source: Melodies of Grace and Truth #5