1 Savior of men, our joy supreme,
The heart’s desire and pure delight;
Who by Thy love didst those redeem,
Whom Thou created by Thy might:
What unknown love could Thee constrain,
Our sins, all sinless, to sustain?
And death’s sharp sting to crucify,
That we might live and never die?
2 Thou break’st through Chaos’ old domain,
Unbind’st the prisoned captive’s band,
And with triumphant state dost reign
In glory on Thy Sire’s right hand.
O for our woes benignly feel;
Our wounds with gentle mercy heal;
Our eyes, which long Thy face to see,
Glad with the blissful sight of Thee!
3 Be Thou our heav’nward guide and way,
Thou of our hearts the aim and goal;
Wipe Thou our tears with joy away,
Revive and gladden Thou the soul!
To Thee, ascended up to Heav’n,
Triumphant Son, be glory giv’n;
And, girt with Heav’n’s adoring host,
Thee, Sire of all; Thee, Holy Ghost!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11978