1 Savior, lead me in Thy footsteps,
Marked with sorrow tho’ they be,
That my soul may find the glory
Of love’s sacrifice for me.
Savior, lead me in Thy footsteps,
Let my will be drawn to Thee,
And my soul rejoice in knowing
That Thy way is best for me.
2 Savior, lead me in Thy footsteps,
Teach me how to mark the way,
Lest the tempter shall deceive me,
And my soul be led astray. [Refrain]
3 Savior, lead me in Thy footsteps,
‘Tis the way of richest gain;
Not the way of ease and pleasure,
But the way of toil and pain. [Refrain]
4 Savior, lead me in Thy footsteps,
I would follow Thee alone,
Till I pass the heav’nly portals,
And behold Thee on Thy throne. [Refrain]
Source: Progressive Sunday School Songs #218