1 Savior, draw me to Thy side,
Nearer still, nearer still!
There would I in peace abide,
Nearer still, nearer still!
Draw me closer, Lord, to Thee,
Let me now Thy beauty see;
Help me, Lord, to know Thy will,
Draw me closer, closer still.
2 Songs of praises I would sing
Louder still, louder still!
Praise to glorify my King,
Louder still, louder still! [Refrain]
3 May Thy love within me shine
Brighter still, brighter still!
As a beacon light of Thine,
Brighter still, brighter still! [Refrain]
4 Lord I would be in Thy sight
Purer still, purer still!
Make and keep me by Thy might,
Purer still, purer still! [Refrain]
5 More than life Thou art to me,
Dearer still, dearer still!
Daily grows my walk with Thee
Dearer still, dearer still! [Refrain]
Source: Great Revival Hymns No. 2 #25