1 Saviour divine, kind Friend of all the lowly,
Thou who didst call the children unto Thee,
Still through the years we hear Thy voice so holy,
“Suffer the little ones to come to Me;”
“Suffer the little ones to come to Me.”
2 Jesus, we come; for Thou hast dearly bought us,
With tender love Thine own Thou dost enfold;
May we rejoice to do what Thou hast taught us,
That others may in us Thy life behold;
That others may in us Thy life behold.
3 Give us Thy love, for there are lives to brighten;
Give us Thy patience, Lord, to trust and pray;
Give us Thy strength, for there are loads to lighten;
Give us Thy light, to show to all the way;
Give us Thy light, to show to all the way.
4 Then, at the last, when evening shadows gather,
And from all earthly cares our souls are free,
Look down upon Thy children as a father,
And take us, Lord, to heav’n to dwell with Thee;
And take us, Lord, to heav’n to dwell with Thee.
Source: The Junior Hymnal, Containing Sunday School and Luther League Liturgy and Hymns for the Sunday School #278