1 Saved by the blood of the Son of God,
Washed whiter than the snow,
Foll’wing the path where His feet have trod,
Washed whiter than the snow.
Whiter than the snow, yes, whiter than the snow,
O joy divine this truth to know,
In His precious love still on I’ll go,
I am whiter than the snow.
2 Kept by the pow’r of His grace divine,
Washed whiter than the snow,
Gladly to Him I my soul resign,
Washed whiter than the snow. [Refrain]
3 Blest in the hope of eternal peace,
Washed whiter than the snow,
Knowing His love which shall never cease,
Washed whiter than the snow. [Refrain]
4 Cleansed is my soul from its ev’ry strain,
Washed whiter than the snow,
Trusting His word that with Him I’ll reign,
Washed whiter than the snow. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Sovereign Grace #50