1 Sav’d by grace, oh, blessed tidings,
Wonderful His love to show,
Jesus died to bring salvation
To the perishing below.
Sav’d by grace, oh, blessed thought,
By my Saviour’s blood I’m bought.
2 Sav’d by grace, oh, blessed tidings,
Jesus drank the cup for me,
Bow’d His head and cried “’Tis finished!”
Now my soul is counted free. [Refrain]
3 Sav’d by grace, oh, blessed tidings,
Happy he who can repeat,
Who can sing redemption’s story,
Sitting at the Saviour’s feet. [Refrain]
4 Sav’d by grace, I’ll sing forever,
Tell the wondrous news abroad,
Spread the gospel tidings ever,
“Worthy is the Lamb of God.” [Refrain]
Source: The Helper in Sacred Song: for Sunday-schools, churches, and devotional services #183