1 Save all my children, Lord! For less I dare not ask; I know thou wilt fulfil thy word If I fulfil my task.
2 Thy word is "Work and pray: Toil on 'mid hopes and fears: The sowing brings the reaping day, The harvest follows tears."
3 Oh, let me strive to be The laborer thou wilt bless, And hourly offer unto thee The works of righteousness
4 Yet, when my best is done, 'Tis sin and folly still; My only plea is that thy Son Wrought out thy perfect will.
5 Then hear me while I ask, "Save all my children, Lord!" While I, in faith, fulfil my task, Do thou fulfil thy word.Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #184d