Translator (into German): Ambrosius Lobwasser
Lobwasser, Ambrosius, son of Fabian Lobwasser, inspector of mines at Schneeberg, Saxony, was born at Schneeberg, April 4, 1515. After studying law at Leipzig (M.A. 1535) he remained there as University tutor until 1550. After acting as travelling tutor, he was appointed in 1557 Rath and Chancellor at Meissen, and in 1562 made a tour in Italy, and received the degree of LL.D. from the University of Bologna. He was finally appointed in 1563 by Duke Albrecht of Prussia as professor of law and assessor at the High Court of Justice at Königsberg. He died at Königsberg Nov. 27, 1585 (Koch, ii. 394-401, &c).
His principal poetical work was his version of the Psalter. One has passed into English in recent times, viz:
Ihr Knecht des Herren all…
Go to person page >Author: Théodore de Béze

Bèze, Théodore de, born at Vezelay, in Burgundy, 1519; died 1605. Bèze’s father was of noble birth. He occupied the post of bailiff at Vezelay. Bèza received a first-rate classical education under Melchior Wolmar. Before he was 20 he wrote some poetry in imitation of Catullus and Ovid, the licentiousness of which he mourned and condemned in alter years. A brilliant prospect of Church emoluments turned his attention from the distasteful study of law. The income of the Priory of Longjumeau made him rich, and he became a prominent member of the literary world at Paris. But his entrance into Orders was barred by a secret marriage with Claudine Denosse. Subsequently, when the offer of the abbey of Froidmont by his uncle made it necessary f…
Go to person page >Translator (into Swedish): Haqvin Spegel

Haquin Spegel (Haqvin) (14 June 1645 – 17 April 1714), born Håkan Spegel in Ronneby in Blekinge (today in Sweden), was a religious author and hymn writer who held several bishop's seats.
See also in:
Go to person page >Alterer: Jesper Svedberg

Biship of Skara, Sweden. He was entrusted in creating the first book ever of Swedish hymns, known today as "Swedberg's Book of Hymns, printed in 1694. It was soon declared heretical by some, because it focused too much on good works and not enough on faith. The whole edition was revoked, however, not before some copies made their way to Swedish colonies overseas. A new edition was published containing about 500 hymns, 30 of which bore Swedberg's name as author or translator. Several of these are still in the modern Swedish Book of Hymns.
Go to person page >Alterer: Johan Olof Wallin

Johan Olaf Wallin was born at Stora Tuna, in 1779, and early displayed his poetical powers. In 1805, and again in 1809, he gained the chief prize for poetry at Upsala. In the latter year he became pastor at Solna; here his ability as a preacher was so striking that he was transferred to Stockholm, in 1815, as "pastor primarius," a title for which we have no exact equivalent. In 1818 he was made Dean of Westeras, and set about the task of editing a revised hymn-book for the whole of Sweden. This task he completed in 1819, and published it as, Den Swenska Psalmboken, af Konungen gillad och stadfästad (The Swedish hymn-book, approved and confirmed by the King). To it he contributed some 150 hymns of his own, besides translations and recasting…
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