1 Salvation for all, the Savior has died,
The gates of salvation stand open and wide;
The heralds of mercy to sinners proclaim,
Believe ye in Christ, and be saved thro' His name.
Rejoice, and be glad, for the "saying" is true,
The Savior has suffered for me and for you;
None are rejected, for "Christ Jesus came"
To save every soul who believes on His name.
2 Salvation for all, His blood can atone,
For all the transgressions the vilest have done;
The Lover of sinners bids all men to know,
"Tho' their sins be as scarlet,
He'll make them as snow." [Chorus]
3 Salvation for all, "Today hear His voice,"
For Christ and redemption delay not your choice;
The soul can not perish that trusts in His word,
He casts none away who confess Him as Lord. [Chorus]
4 Salvation for all--salvation is free,
The Savior of sinners is calling for thee;
Today heed His call--His precepts obey,
Believe and receive Him,
He'll save you today. [Chorus]
Source: The Morning Star: a collection of new sacred songs, for the Sunday school, prayer meeting, and the social circle #38