1 Safe we rest, whatever may betide us;
God is over all.
Lo! his angels ever walk beside us,
Lead us lest we fall.
Singing, ever singing, we are in our Father's care.
Singing, ever singing, who would not be happy there?
Trusting, ever trusting in the Father whom we love,
For he ever watches o'er us from his heav'nly throne above.
2 Young are we and life is still before us,
Fill'd with smiles and tears;
But our Father ever watches o'er us
Through the passing years. [Chorus]
3 Lowly nature sings the Father's praises,
As its gifts may be;
Buds and blossoms join the silent chorus;
They from care are free. [Chorus]
4 We will trust him, who is watching o'er us,
Safe are we and blest;
In his arms the Father will enfold us,
Give us joy and rest. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #150