1 Safe in the centre of Thy loving Will,
My God and Father,—this indeed is rest!
No sad forebodings now, no dread of ill,
How free from care I am—how truly blest!
2 Within this place of perfect safety hid,
From henceforth let me evermore abide;
My fears are gone, my restless longing still’d;
My God, I trust Thee and am satisfied.
3 The scorching flame around my soul may burn,
But while within Thy Will I quiet lie,
It cannot touch me, cannot do me harm;
Therefore I wait, and lay all struggling by.
4 The blood of Christ has washed away my sin,
And through that blood I am at peace with Thee;
My will is Thine,—no controversy now,
Thy peace which passeth knowledge keepeth me.
5 Thus will I live and walk from day to day,
Contented, trustful, satisfied, and still;
What life so shielded, or what life so free,
As that within the centre of Thy Will!
Source: Hymns of Consecration and Faith #229