1 Round our way a light is shining,
‘Tis the holy word of God,
Like the lamp upon the pathway,
Which the saints of old once trod.
Precious, holy bible,
Words of truth and grace,
Pointing out the pathway
To our Father’s dwelling-place.
2 Clear it shows the rocks and pitfalls,
That upon the way we meet;
Bringing out the safest places,
As its glow shines round our feet. [Refrain]
3 As we read its sacred pages,
‘Tis the voice of God we hear;
And its light makes heaven’s glory
To our hearts seem very near. [Refrain]
4 Shining like a ray of blessing,
Full of joy and hope and peace,
‘Tis our guide, our rule, our comfort,
May our love for it increase. [Refrain]
Source: United Praise: for use in Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies and other Church Services #95