1 Rose-time, we love thee—bright Summer days,
Brides carol sweetly
All through our ways;
Paradise visions sent from above,
From God the Father, whose name is love.
How we love the time of roses, roses, roses;
Summer comes again to greet us,
With its roses fair.
2 Rose-time, we love thee—best of the year;
Long have we waited,
Now art thou here!
Free are thy treasures, for one and all,
As heaven’s mantle o’er us doth fall. [Refrain]
3 Rose-time, we love thee—from God’s greet store
Cometh abundance,
Still there is more;
O’er land and ocean, where man is found,
Tell them of Jesus, let His praise sound. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #249